“The Ode to Bartholomew the Brown” is the second most famous Adventure song in the history of the bears of Haven. “Adventure My Bear, Adventure” is of course the most famous, sung every summer as Young Cubs go out for their Adventure (and hummed by some bear, somewhere, most …
The Joy of Mangoes
We love mangoes at our house. We don’t eat them often, but when we do it usually elevates the status of the meal into something a little like a feast. That lunchtime or dinnertime almost always ends with sticky, happy grins (and afterward, extended times of flossing ... getting …
First Steps
First steps are scary. They’re often unsure and wobbly and will most likely end in a fall. We start out not worrying about that too much. One moment we’re clutching the edge of the couch, swaying on unsteady legs, looking scared and excited all at the same time. A hand lets go …
And the Winners Are …
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Widewater launch giveaway. It's fun for us when we can give away some of Annie's artwork because ... well ... we love it! I can remember when Erin and I saw the first rough sketches for Begin. There was that little moment of …