Some journeys start with a leap. Ours started with a collection of songs. The songs inspired characters, and the characters banded together into a children’s television show pitch. There were meetings with genuine interest shown, followed by a lot of waiting. As we were waiting, we started a design company, Design by Insight. Time passed, but we always held onto the hope that one day we could truly bring the characters to life.
There was a long break in the process as we focused on the growing demands of Design by Insight. Then one night, kind of out of the blue, Phil woke up with a song and a music video in his head. It was about a bear coming out of the woods and unintentionally helping a village of people and the people treating him as a hero, to his complete bewilderment.
Phil started to contemplate this character. He realized the bear probably had a story, and the story has turned into the Growly books. It’s a story that keeps growing every day in our hearts and minds, and we’re excited to see where it takes us.
It’s been a long journey, and what The Growly Books have become is much different than what we imagined starting out. Through the process of waiting, we feel like we have captured something that really comes from our hearts. It has become a much richer story than where we began.